When we store artifacts like XSDs in database MDS and want to reuse it in a new SOA application following are the steps which we need to follow.
- Once the SOA application is created expand the IDE connections ->SOA-MDS and right click on the MDS connection and select the option Add to Application.
- Once "Add to Application" is finished in the left hand side of the Jdeveloper find Application Resources , expand->Descriptors->ADF META-INF->adf-config.xml.
- Open the adf-config.xml and look for the mds connection name "mstore-usage_2". Many a time this entry does not exist and you may need to manually edit the xml file like below.
- Add the line <namespace path="/apps" metadata-store-usage="mstore-usage_2"/> under <metadata-namespaces>.
- Navigate to <metadata-store-usages> and add the entry for "mstore-usage_2" if it does noe exists. If the entry exists make sure the entry for MDS password. <property name="jdbc-password" value="oracle"/>. More than often you need to add it manually.<metadata-store-usage id="mstore-usage_2"><metadata-store class-name="oracle.mds.persistence.stores.db.DBMetadataStore"><property name="jdbc-userid" value="DEV_MDS"/><property name="jdbc-password" value="oracle"/><property name="jdbc-url"value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:XE"/><property name="partition-name" value="soa-infra"/></metadata-store></metadata-store-usage>
- Sample XML File.